The Heart of Jesus Valentino
By Emma Gilkison
Emma Gilkison is thrilled to be pregnant. She and her partner Roy have been trying for a year and finally it’s happened. But during a routine twelve-week ultrasound she notices something strange: it looks as though their baby has a marble rolling on his chest. In fact, the baby’s heart is growing outside his body – an extremely rare and usually fatal condition called ectopia cordis.
The couple immediately begin researching the possibilities for surgery. When this is finally ruled out Emma is almost twenty weeks pregnant. They now face a heartbreaking decision. Should they end the pregnancy, or continue in the knowledge their baby will die?
From different cultures – Emma raised in New Zealand and Roy in Peru – they walk an emotional minefield as they struggle to agree on a way forward. Seeking help and spiritual counsel from people of many different views and beliefs, they find hope, meaning and consolation in unexpected places.
The Heart of Jesús Valentino is an extraordinary story about a young couple forced to go beyond their everyday experience and confront head-on issues of life and death. Powerful, honest and beautifully written, it moves all who read it, and is creating ripples in the medical world.
“A deeply moving story of love and medical science. What burns brightest is the author’s maternal love and dogged determination to do what’s best for her baby.” – Rebecca Priestley, winner, Prime Minister’s Science Communication Prize, 2016
“I was utterly absorbed by this book. Emma Gilkison’s story shows us how we might look directly at the unthinkable and find hope there.” – Ashleigh Young, winner, Windham-Campbell Prize, 2017
Watch Emma’s interview on TV3’s The Cafe here
Watch Emma on The AM Show, Newshub here
Listen to Emma’s interview with Kathryn Ryan on Radio New Zealand’s Nine to Noon programme here
Scroll down and listen to Emma’s interview with Trudi Nelson on Radio Live here
Listen to Emma’s interview with Mike Hosking on Newstalk ZB here
“Every once in a while, usually about once a year or so, I read a book that I want to tell everyone about, because it affects me so deeply. The Heart of Jesús Valentino: A mother’s story by Emma Gilkison is one of those books. Since I read it, I have not been able to stop thinking about it.” – Katherine Granich, Editor, Tots to Teens. Read Katherine’s full review here
“The Heart of Jesús Valentino is a stunning, compelling memoir that is our editor’s pick for book of the year.” – Good to Know. Read the full review here
Read an extract in The Spinoff
Imprint: Awa Press
Pages: 202
Size/weight: 215x147
Published: September 2018
Category: Biography/Memoir, Medical